Freedom of expression in France : taken for ?

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Elsa 18 and Lucie 21 are french students. Both have agreed to answer these questions because freedom of expression is a topic which is close to their hearts, especially at the moment.


1 ) What do you think about " It is better to have an excess of caricatures than an excess of censure " ( Sarkozy refering to Mahomet's caricatures in 2005 ) .


Elsa : Of course, we inevitably to agree ! This kind of sentence is true and it was important that Sarkozy said something about the caricatures scandal. When we use this kind of expression, every body is waiting for you in order to see if you are respectful in your way of thinking.


Lucie : Yes, I remember ! That's right it was really controversial ! Indeed in one of the 12 drawings of Mahomet's caricatures, there was a moslem prophet wearing a bomb as a turban. I am not sure but I think in France freedom of expression guarantees the right to represent different kinds of caricatures, doesn't it ? However in my opinion, respect has its own limits.

Elsa : I couldn't agree more. Freedom stops where freedom of others starts. I am not saying censorship is appropriate, I am just saying censorship goes against our rights.

Lucie : That's why this word "respect" , especially about religion, must be seriously considerated in this context.



2 )So, freedom of expression seems to be not really granted. How could you explain me ? What is your point of view ?


Lucie : Freedom of expression is nowadays a fundamental right in our society. France claims to be a democratic country and yet the government is morally wrong. We should have the right of opinion whitout any restriction from the government.


Elsa : Somehow it would be excessive and incorrect to say this notion is not a fact. Like all liberties there are foundations, but fragile foundations. I guess that we have absolutely to defend this principle.



3 ) What is the meaning of freedom of expression ? myth ? reality ?


Elsa : It is a vague idea, concept in the sense that it is difficult to answer, but also to understand in its globality. We have got examples everyday. The least conversation, reading, debate and demonstration is a result of this freedom.

Lucie : Honestly the Hadopi Law goes against our own rights. I was really outraged by that ! The French government couldn't care less. Our way of thinking, our opinions are not considered. OK, I am perfectly aware that downloading is not the best thing to do, but it is not a reason to cut out the Internet connection ! Besides,  can we get a free access to the culture in the middle or working class ? I don't think so nowadays. That's why I think freedom of expression is unfortunately a myth. Just an illusion.

Elsa : Not in France ! Certainly in other countries unfortunately but not in France.


4 ) According to you, what are the links between freedom of expression, censorship and respect ?


Lucie : These ideas refer to our fundamental rights.

Elsa : Once again the links without exact context are so difficult to catch ! It is difficult to respect some ideas developed thanks to and because of this liberty. For example, I can't stand the extreme right party making its political compaign, promoting racist and agressive ideas. In that case censorship is the best way to fight against that hatred ... I am utterly and totally convinced that the aim of education is very important concerning the concept of respect.




5 ) The French government is more and more hostile towards a specifical kind of press. What do you think about that ?


Lucie : To my mind, it is a topic which should be more tackle about the debate of national identity. Indeed, freedom of expression guarantees freedom of the press and individual freedom. It allows to get things moving.

Elsa : This debate about the national identity is very vague, so many ideas are dealt with. I am sure that this concept must be developed ... Obviously, what a shame it is to see thes crimes which are repeated by our politicians, who don't condemn them. Sometimes I have the feeling these French values are only important in theory and not in practise.




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<br /> A very thought-provoking and intelligent piece, Sophie. It is tackling a very important issue.<br /> <br /> <br />